Sunday, 3 January 2016

Been A While..

As the title suggests... It's been a while, eh?!  

Well, I wanted to get back to blogging. It really is a fantastic release when words won't really do, with regards to how you're feeling, or what's been going on. 

Speaking of which... Just what has been going on in the Land of Emily (not a real place, though something for me to think about), you ask? Here's a quick recap for ya:

The latter part of 2014 was a real bitch, to be quite honest. It started off quite well: H & I started to look for a house together, which was both exciting and scary, all at the same time. We saw a right couple of stinkers at first. House-buying is stressful, y'all. 

Then in mid September, my granny got very ill. Truth be told, she'd been up and down throughout the year but took a turn for the worst in the autumn, and we lost her on 20th October. It was one of the weirdest, most difficult times my family and I had ever gone through, and we're still not quite over it - not sure we ever will be. However my mum - ever the rockstar - has managed to come out the other side and is the backbone for me and everyone around her.

Right at the end of 2014, we put in an offer in a house that could very easily be described by the term "fixer upper", which we - as green, dewy-eyed first time buyers - saw as an exciting project... Not taking in to account the fact that we both have busy, full time jobs and - having now just bought a house - a limited amount of funds.

After our offer was accepted - go Team Us - the top chain kept kicking us around, which was soooooo frustrating and loooooong. As it turned out, we had to move out of our lovely little 2 bed flat in Forest Hill, and put Mum and Damian out by moving in with them for the best part of a month, whilst we waited to close.
   Now, I haven't lived with my mum since I moved out in 2012, so naturally I was a bit worried about doing so again - except this time, with a boyfriend and a tonne of luggage / boxes. 
   However, I needn't have worried. It was actually really lovely, and H & I enjoyed helping around the house, *really* enjoyed the benefits of Damian's cooking (seriously, I feel bad for people who will never get to have any) and I baked every Sunday, as is my wont... Madeleines were a personal fave. 

We finally moved in to our house in 30th March 2015. Our mortgage providers, Nationwide, sent us a lovely Welcome Box, complete with tea, loo roll, anti bacterial spray... You know, all the essentials.

A big change also happened in my work life. After just over a year at my previous agency, working as an assistant, I joined BBA Management as an agent in my own right. It was daunting and scary at first, but I really enjoy it having got in to the swing of things. 

I've got some fab work colleagues, and lovely clients. Sometimes, I do find the business frustrating because - as some of you who followed my previous blog will remember - too many parts are being given to celebrities, or people who frankly can't do the job in hand. Also, I find this whole "I want it all, and I want it now" attitude that so many young actors have nowadays deeply unattractive. Personally, I couldn't handle the heat, so I got out of that specific kitchen (acting); however, if you're committed to stay in it, most of the time it takes more work, grit and determination than one could ever imagine. You will not be handed an opportunity on a plate - not often anyway - and it is an actor's obligation to work for said opportunity on said plate. 

Right, taking my agent hat off now. My thoughts on the changes in the industry can get a bit monotonous after a while...

Got lots of plans this year - stay tuned.

EG xxx